This legal notice regulates the access, navigation and use of the website (from hereinafter, the Website).
In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that José Antonio Fernández Fernández, with DNI 52.988.033N, with address at Calle Alcor, núm. 64, Majadahonda, CP 28.220, Madrid, Urbanización Los Satélites, (from hereinafter, OWNER) is the owner of the Website .
You can contact us through the following email address:
The access and use of this portal attributes the condition of User, which implies acceptance of the terms and conditions explained on this Legal Notice and, if it is needed, the changes made in it.
The Website can provide access to a multitude of texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, expressions and information (from hereinafter, “contents”) belonging to OWNER or to third parties, that the User may have access.
The User assumes responsibility for using the Web Site and this responsibility extends to the registration that, where applicable, may be necessary to access the Contest of the Web Site.
The User commits to make an appropriate use of the Contents provided through the Web Site and including but not limited to not using them to (i) engage in any activity which is unlawful, illicit or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) cause any damage in the physical and logical systems belonging to the owner of the Web Site, to its suppliers or any third party, (iii) introduce or spread on the Internet any computer virus or other physical or software system liable to cause such damages as is described above.
OWNER shall have the right to investigate and denounce any of the abovementioned conduct in accordance with the Law, as well as to collaborate with the authorities in the investigation of said actions.
OWNER reserves the right to deny any attempt to access the private area of the Website, cancel accounts or cancel the provision of Services in cases where there is an incorrect use of the Website.
All the rights on the Content, design and source code of this Web Site included in the Website are owned by OWNER, or either by third parties that have expressly given their permission to OWNER, for its use in their Web Site, having the exclusive exercise of the rights to exploit them.
For this purpose and pursuant to Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, which approved the restated text of the Law on Intellectual Property, lending order, clarity and harmony to the applicable statutory provisions on the matter, as well as in Law 17/2001, of 7 December, of Trademarks and the supplementary legislation relating to intellectual and industrial property, it is expressly forbidden any reproduction, transmission, adaptation, translation, distribution, public communication, including any means of making available, fully or partially, the Contents of the Website, on any support and by any means technically available, unless express authorisation has been granted in writing from OWNER.
OWNER does not grant any license or authorisation of use whatsoever over their intellectual and industrial property rights or over any other property or rights related to the Web Site, and under no circumstances shall the Users’ access and navigation implies a resignation, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of these rights on behalf of OWNER.
Any use of these contents which was not previously authorised by OWNER will be considered a serious infringement of the intellectual or industry property rights and shall give rise to the legally established liabilities.
The information supplied by OWNER through its Website may not be considered by the user as a determining element in any decision-making. OWNER disclaims any responsibility for the use that may be made of the Contents or services offered.
OWNER declares it has adopted all the necessary measures that, within its possibilities and the current state of technology, allow the proper functioning of its Web Site as well as the absence of virus and harmful components. However, OWNER cannot be held responsible for: (a) the continuity and availability of the Contents; (b) the absence of errors in said Contents nor the correction of any defect that may arise; (c) the absence of virus and/or other harmful components; (d) the damages caused by any person who harms the security systems of OWNER.
OWNER may temporarily suspend and without notice the accessibility to the Web Site for the purpose of maintenance, repair, upgrading or enhancement operations. Nevertheless, as circumstances allow, OWNER will communicate to the User, sufficiently in advance, the envisaged date for the suspension of the contents.
The Web Site may contain hyperlinks which allow the User to access third-party web sites. OWNER assumes no responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on those sites, which shall be considered as being offered exclusively for informative purposes by OWNER, and in no case, do they imply any relationship, acceptance or support between OWNER and the people or entities that own such content or the owners of the sites on which they are found. Consequently, the user accesses the aforementioned websites under his / her sole responsibility.
The conditions of this Legal Notice will be in force until they are modified, with OWNER being able to make changes, which shall be notified to the User.
OWNER may delete, add or edit both the Contents and the form in which these appear presented or located. The conditions that are published at the time the User accesses the Website of OWNER shall be deemed in force.
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